Sunday, March 1, 2015

Editing according to the professionals

A good article covering some very pronounced issues today with films and addressing, or at least giving some suggestions on how to deal with them.
  Several techniques have been used in film editing some more popular over the last decade or so, but the most popularly used today is the fast cut.

Fast Cutting-
is a film editing technique which refers to several consecutive shots of a brief duration (e.g. 3 seconds or less). It can be used to convey a lot of information very quickly, or to imply either energy or chaos.
(Google / Wikipedia)
With the increasing popularity of horror movies and games lately this technique has been used heavily for its ability to convey, as Google suggests, energy and chaos. One of the other ways to edit in a scene is best put by William Goldenberg as "Sometimes the best editing decision you can make is not cutting." This gives the characters on screen more of a presence making them seem more important, even sometimes giving them more time to talk. This can also be used to build tension with something happening just off camera, when the audience finds that the source of the eerie sounds are coming from off scene they are literally on the edge of their seat trying to find the source.

 These bits of information will most likely come into play when I'm making my 3d animated short, Choosing how and when to cut will save me both time and effort.

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