Sunday, February 8, 2015

Weekly comment

  This week was crazy for me, between changing my scheduled at school around and the damn chicken I have been exhausted. I am a little bit more confident in maya though and hope to do better on the 3d short. I loved learning about editing and found it to be surprisingly entertaining. I'm a bit stressed though because this coming week I will be having extensive interaction with the military to explore my options. After all thats happened this week I find I'm really looking forward to editing next year! tedious as it may be, it is equally entertaining. Lately I have been doing a lot more physical activity as far as exercise goes so heres my link for the week, enjoy! Don't be lazy its easy!


  1. From now on I'll do sit-UPS during loading screens. Thanks Gage, good luck with all that craziness

  2. Wow that video was actually pretty useful. The bottoms of my wrists sometimes hurt after extensive periods of time on my PC. I always thought that it was because my mouse-pad sucked. I had never even considered this. Also good luck with that Military mumbo-jumbo.
