Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Inspiration, Innovation and Location, Location, Location.

This weeks article provided by jack was a very interesting one, I love seeing the behind the scenes action when it comes to production and animation. A lot of work goes into (almost) everything we see on t.v and the internet, I love watching different peoples processes and applying it to my own work.
This article featured two behind the scenes looks at one of the famous super bowl commercials regarding the good old fashioned rabbit, hare, and car? Using multiple programs in coordination with live action shots the talented Robert Stromberg created this ad for Mercedes Benz. The first thing I realized when I watched the videos was how much prep work went into the animated characters. Going through tedious phases of sketch, paint, color, texture, photoshop, maya, etc. There was a hinted time period of several months alone in planning and development of the characters, not to mention that every step of the way each superior would have to "ok" the work.

 If I take anything away from this article its that I should start developing characters of my own in preparation for when I might need them. Saving myself the trouble of being un-prepared and unskilled at drawing and replicating my own ideas.

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