Sunday, March 15, 2015

comment of the weekly variety

this year seems to be going by pretty quick and I'm both grateful and a little bit frightened by that.Easter break is coming up and I'll be going to Quantico in doing the research that I need for the project that we have been assigned in digital media which I can't wait for by the way. the 3d project is coming along I have decided to take it one step at a time and while the quality may suffer at least I'll have something decent to present. the only thing I've really been worried about lately is my trig grade unfortunately.but my week is kept exciting By life guarding and Marines.all in all I'd say Gage we have some hot dogs if you want one. haha wow this is a prime example of why you don't want to use speech to text on your phone last minute to write your comments and I'm not even going to take it out.hope the only other thing I'm really looking forward to this week is staying after on Wednesday too bad it's not an overnight, but hey maybe in the future.Little girl show with bad animation.


  1. 5 seconds into the video, I respectfully refrain from watching the rest.

  2. How did I fall for it. It was your most obvious trap, it's not at all your first... But I fell for it. Well played, Gage, well played.
