Friday, March 20, 2015

Drones and their future in film

In the past decade or so technology has made another astonishing leap in several industries. The drone or UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) is one of the faster growing technologies today. It has gained popularity with several different types of industries such as Amazon, the Military, recreation, and now it is taking over the film industry?
  This article covered the uses and practicality of Drones in a filmset environment. The drone was described as having a bright future in the industry and was even demonstrated through a youtube video depicting a first person view of superman flying around. The author of the article tried her own hand at piloting the rather expensive drone equipment, and found it to be both difficult and forgiving. After getting used to it im sure anyone could expertly pilot the drone to capture that "perfect" shot that budget or safety issues would normally prohibit.
  Personally Im excited to see the drone make an appearance in film, it will definitely open up a new world of potential for the monster film industry.

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