Sunday, March 1, 2015

Weekly Comment ~wooh

A variety of interesting things happened this week, the first and most important of which is that to my dismay I have decided to take school seriously in order to get to my college of choice. I rejoined the Niagara Youth Marine Cadets which is helping me to get in, and stay in, shape. I also started a lifeguard and CPR certification program through my school. So long story short im attempting to be more productive... What?   No I don't have minecraft and anime open in another tab! The high point of my week had  to be the fact that I have been in a relatively good mood lately. avoiding my usually pessimistic ways, at least a little bit. The low point must be that I had to discard the models I took a class period to find for my 3d short due to the fact that they don't quite want to work together in the same scene. ~yay modeling~ Regardless im looking forward to the presentation, I think I will suprise some of you and pass what you are all expecting me to do. Anyhow enjoy my link this week >>Since im modeling my own characters I determined that it might help to watch someone else's process.

1 comment:

  1. You certainly have a lot on your plate! Good luck with your activities! I also look forward to seeing your short!
