Sunday, March 15, 2015

practice makes perfect

this article someone states the obvious to people who have been in the professional field of animation and video for extended periods of time and honestly it didn't say anything that we don't already know, however practicing what you preach is something different altogether it does help reestablish that constant practice and determination can help you to go further with whatever you happen to be doing at the time getting the habits can be a healthy and positive thing that will also provide opportunities in the future that will help you continue to grow and understand more about the field that you were working at. however somebody must be careful not to become too involved with their work so that it consumes them completely.if your emotions and daily life happen to revolve around your work then it stops being something that you enjoy and truly becomes work.this article does prove an interesting point though and I definitely plan to practice animating more at home hopefully this will give me an advantage whenever I do a project for school.

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