Friday, March 20, 2015

Your weakness can be your strength

Another cold slap from our old friend "reality" greeted me in the first several paragraphs of this article, reminding me of the most frustrating aspects of film and animation. What was described by the article as a "moving target" the possible jobs in these fields can be very illusive based on your skill set. In a way im remembering the Cake maker analogy from one of my previous blogs but at the same time this article was a little bit more forceful with its approach. In short this article goes over knowing the difference between a weakness and a strength, and what to do about it. Don't give up on a weakness just because it is difficult or you dislike it. "If you want to be a cake maker fine, but it couldn't hurt to learn how to make cupcakes too." In other words, or in my experience, I love 2d animation a whole lot more than 3d, but that doesn't mean I should not apply myself in 3d. If anything this article reminded me that I should crush the source of my frustration and make it my own.

To beat one's enemy, you must first understand thy enemy.

1 comment:

  1. Cupcakes are good hahaha and I agree so much on the 2d against 3d animation, both have their pros and cons.
