Sunday, October 25, 2015


I have quite the amount of work to make up, between missing 2 days already i have to schedule another 2 days off from school soon. On the bright side I passed my road test and got my license+car. I am looking forward to being done with these awful Premiere tutorials, which ties into what frustrated me most this week. Did you think I meant the Premiere tutorials? Well then you're right. I can follow 200-300 step Maya tutorials but something about these ones make them obscenely difficult to follow. I just want to work on my PSA...So I thought this would be a good day (10/25/15) to clean my media/ gaming room, so I re-arranged all of the furniture so that my corner desk is almost like a cubicle. I like changing things around once in a while, it keeps me from going mad.

but maybe thats just me....


  1. I like rearranging things too! I hope this week is significantly better for you. (っ´▽`)っ

  2. The tutorials are a little hard to understand, but I've been getting through them by crossing away each step as I do them. Works so far!
