Sunday, October 25, 2015

behind Marvel trailors

The best part of the article hands down is at the very end where the author thanks the reader for reading... I failed to find interest in this article, and believe me I grasped at every straw I could reach.
This was about as interesting as story time with grandma. Except you have heard the story before and now she is sprinkling in some new vivid details.

 The most I could gather information wise was the interesting array of programs used for the trailers production, maya, After Effects, Houdini, and NUKE. Other than that *gasp* it takes a lot of time to put this stuff together.

A very quick read, I got a little excited because I thought "Hey Marvel! This might be cool.." okay so I was hoping it would be a video, but none the less I was bored to tears reading it.

But maybe thats just me.

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