Sunday, October 18, 2015

Music to my ears

   Every man, woman, and child should to some degree understand the effect that music has on our emotions and thoughts. The author of the provided reading/ watching for this article barely scratched the surface on how music really effects us as human beings.

   The closest the author got to "in depth" on this topic was in regards to the violin and its high pitched notes creating a reaction in the human brain. This reaction causes our brains to interpret the sound as a cry for help, which instills or is associated with fear.

  With the new generation of horror movies bouncing around, comes a new breed of terror not covered by the article. Jump scares which are usually the combination of tense or rising musical notes ,or sometimes even lack there of, and a sudden jarring event. Unlike the suspense mentioned in regards to "Jaws" where the viewer has some idea of the impending danger, this form of horror has potential to leave its audience in the dark.

   Silence and the lack of a soundtrack sometimes lead to the most tense moments in film. Music ,when well done, can blend into the background and control a viewers interaction or experience with a film as it goes along. Pure silence however, leaves the viewer with nothing but a swirling pot of emotion. Each respective viewer may be experiencing the film in a different way, and silence usually indicates that the situation has just become serious!

 All in all there are several reasons for and against the proper use of audio in film, but if it is done right it can leave the best possible impression on its listeners, and make the movie more memorable.

But, maybe thats just me.

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