Sunday, October 25, 2015

Inspiration and false hope

     Everyone has had an ah-ha moment at least once in their life. While this is an interesting subject and I can see why people would want this information, at the same time you cant just bottle something as complex as inspiration. However these methods were pined as common between big thinkers, so if it will help the hopeless masses that have resorted to google-ing "inspiration, then so be it.

  After reading the article my first impression is that most of these methods are what prevent me from doing my blogs/ homework in general, when they are assigned. I quickly go from

"holy crap that's right I had homework! 


"meh its not due until Tuesday, I'll do it then."

Then Tuesday rolls around and I just can't bring myself to do it. I personally have about as much passion for school as some poor victim with Stockholm syndrome. But once again I can't (as much as I want to) deny the validity of the power behind motivation, inspiration, and decisions.

I just want to tear this article apart for its zealous use of broad spectrum statements that the vast majority of people would relate to or agree with. Inspiration can not be pinpointed, it has proven itself both illusive and spontaneous for everybody. If the 8 habits that were listed really worked everybody would be doing it and we would have a lot less problems.

I think its feel good reading bs, but maybe that's just me.

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