Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hullabaloo! The rebirth of 2D?

  Growing up I'm sure all of us have seen a Disney movie at some point. Not the newer ones which are advancing their techniques and shifting over to the 3 dimensional side of animating, but a good old fashion 2D movie. Original Disney veterans such as James Lopez, and Rick Farmilo, are working to bring a satisfying steam punk wonderland to fill the 2D hole in our hearts. These animators have collectively a very colorful background, working on such projects as ; The Lion King, Pocahontas, Beauty and the Beast, and many more. The time that these men and women have put into their work has really helped them to prove what brilliance and life, maybe sometimes even familiarity a well 2D film, short, or series can bring to the metaphorical table.

  After reading this weeks provided article I couldn't be more excited for the next big 2D project since the late 90's! Titled  "Hullabaloo" this project will be, as previously mentioned, 2D feature. Each frame will be meticulously drawn out by hand before being transferred over to the computer. Not only does this heart-filled project have the traditional animating methods behind its creation but a unique story line containing something the animation industry normally leaves out. Female protagonists "Veronica Daring, and Jules". Living in a steam punk era these two savy inventors will band together in order to help locate veronica's father!  I love the idea of a steam punk generated world. For those of you who don't know "steam punk" is a period of time in which people are technologically advanced but are still in the time period previous to your current time. For example, energy rifles and pistols are depicted in a Victorian style era in the promotional video for this project.

 To sum it all up with my own personal thought, I cant wait to see something like this. Weather it makes it as a major motion picture, a short, or a television series I could care less! This incredible step twoards a reborn age of 2D animations with better story lines will be one I'm glad I could live to see!

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