Sunday, September 28, 2014

Box"Trolls" Stop-motion never says die!

  I was ,as a writer, disappointed with the literal introduction to the article. It was representative of story telling in its most basic form, and just shy of "once apon a time". The article covers an interview with Travis Knight, the current C.E.O of the production team that brought Coraline, Paranormin, and soon to be The box trolls. In the interview Travis is asked a wide array of questions about the technical and artistic points of the stop-motion film. In the shortest version of a summery possible, his work is tedious.
  I used a play on words in the title of this blog because I truly believe that this so called "21'st Century stop-motion film" is no different from those before it. I'm not saying that I dislike the concept or animation style itself, but in a sense Travis and his team are "trolling" (pun intended) his audience. It is true that past experience with one team will help and they will surely work well together, BUT I still found myself thinking that Box trolls will be no different than Coraline or Paranormin.
 In the end I can talk all the crap I want but inevitably I will enjoy the film just as well. Hopefully Travis and friends will prove me wrong, all I can do is hope.

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