Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cloudy with a chance of EXAGGERATION!

  Just as the title suggests in the film ,cloudy with a chance of meatballs, one of the biggest influences from the principles of animation was exaggeration. Though some of these other mentioned principles were subtle and difficult to pick up on, if you were simply watching the movie for enjoyment rather than for detail. first an foremost as previously stated exaggeration, A couple of scenes in particular stood out to me such as Flint's electrocution near the beginning. In a real life scenario compared to animation electrocution would simply cause someone to convulse and fall over, but in the animated world flint's bones were visible and his body twitched and flailed like a rag doll.
 Next on my list is Timing, this one was easy just because of its example i have prepared. throughout the movie there were timing portions in which the machine would scan -wait- and the spit out the food. For "Slow in/out" I would say the food falling from the sky in general should suffice as an example. Staging was depicted later in the movie when the machine was absorbing the clouds at a dangerous rate, if someone had not seen the movie up to that point that scene could have easily summed up what was going on. one of the more comical uses of the principles of animation was the heavy use of "squash and stretch" in the jello castle scene. the movement of the characters, and the very walls of the castle is a good example of this element. Lastly to wrap things up a little anticipation. The scene where flint is about to kiss the weather girl shows anticipation using both of the characters reactions and movements as the example.
 Holy crap was this on slightly annoying. i couldn't write as fast as examples were displayed, but hopefully i gave a sufficient amount of information with each of the principles I shared.

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