Sunday, October 25, 2015


I have quite the amount of work to make up, between missing 2 days already i have to schedule another 2 days off from school soon. On the bright side I passed my road test and got my license+car. I am looking forward to being done with these awful Premiere tutorials, which ties into what frustrated me most this week. Did you think I meant the Premiere tutorials? Well then you're right. I can follow 200-300 step Maya tutorials but something about these ones make them obscenely difficult to follow. I just want to work on my PSA...So I thought this would be a good day (10/25/15) to clean my media/ gaming room, so I re-arranged all of the furniture so that my corner desk is almost like a cubicle. I like changing things around once in a while, it keeps me from going mad.

but maybe thats just me....

behind Marvel trailors

The best part of the article hands down is at the very end where the author thanks the reader for reading... I failed to find interest in this article, and believe me I grasped at every straw I could reach.
This was about as interesting as story time with grandma. Except you have heard the story before and now she is sprinkling in some new vivid details.

 The most I could gather information wise was the interesting array of programs used for the trailers production, maya, After Effects, Houdini, and NUKE. Other than that *gasp* it takes a lot of time to put this stuff together.

A very quick read, I got a little excited because I thought "Hey Marvel! This might be cool.." okay so I was hoping it would be a video, but none the less I was bored to tears reading it.

But maybe thats just me.

Inspiration and false hope

     Everyone has had an ah-ha moment at least once in their life. While this is an interesting subject and I can see why people would want this information, at the same time you cant just bottle something as complex as inspiration. However these methods were pined as common between big thinkers, so if it will help the hopeless masses that have resorted to google-ing "inspiration, then so be it.

  After reading the article my first impression is that most of these methods are what prevent me from doing my blogs/ homework in general, when they are assigned. I quickly go from

"holy crap that's right I had homework! 


"meh its not due until Tuesday, I'll do it then."

Then Tuesday rolls around and I just can't bring myself to do it. I personally have about as much passion for school as some poor victim with Stockholm syndrome. But once again I can't (as much as I want to) deny the validity of the power behind motivation, inspiration, and decisions.

I just want to tear this article apart for its zealous use of broad spectrum statements that the vast majority of people would relate to or agree with. Inspiration can not be pinpointed, it has proven itself both illusive and spontaneous for everybody. If the 8 habits that were listed really worked everybody would be doing it and we would have a lot less problems.

I think its feel good reading bs, but maybe that's just me.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Weekly comment

 This past week was sllooooowwwwww for me. It seemed like the firs of many weeks this year that seemed to go on forever. Unfortunately that meant that as the week went on my work deteriorated. Though I haven't fallen to far behind I will still have some catching up to do. I was a bit frustrated with my English teacher this week, as if 2-3 essays a week aren't bad enough, on top of that I have a 500 point project on a successful CEO. At least I convinced her to let me do Gabe Newell. I have been having fun in video though, working with audio is surprisingly fun. Im looking forward to working on the PSA, hopefully it turns out well. The only other thing worth mentioning is that I have a driving test in NT on Friday this week and on Nov/7 I have been invited to the Marine corps ball. So to wrap up the week enjoy---   Drive through lolz

Coloring books of the future

   I remember drooling with every colored crayon as I scribbled all over the pictures in a coloring book, but now kids at the age of three already have their own Ipad for such tasks. Disney is now kicking things up a notch and is forcing their stubby little mitts to actually experience the feel of paper.

   With the use of a tablet children, and as a somewhat amusing side note, adults may witness their coloring project literally jump off the page. New technology allows the scribbles to be projected onto a 3d version of the character visible on the tablet. This technology opens doors to all kinds of new immersive experiences though.

   The author thinks that this new leap in technology will allow people to further enjoy coloring in general. But from a business perspective I don't think the product will last long once the novelty has worn off.

But, maybe thats just me.

Music to my ears

   Every man, woman, and child should to some degree understand the effect that music has on our emotions and thoughts. The author of the provided reading/ watching for this article barely scratched the surface on how music really effects us as human beings.

   The closest the author got to "in depth" on this topic was in regards to the violin and its high pitched notes creating a reaction in the human brain. This reaction causes our brains to interpret the sound as a cry for help, which instills or is associated with fear.

  With the new generation of horror movies bouncing around, comes a new breed of terror not covered by the article. Jump scares which are usually the combination of tense or rising musical notes ,or sometimes even lack there of, and a sudden jarring event. Unlike the suspense mentioned in regards to "Jaws" where the viewer has some idea of the impending danger, this form of horror has potential to leave its audience in the dark.

   Silence and the lack of a soundtrack sometimes lead to the most tense moments in film. Music ,when well done, can blend into the background and control a viewers interaction or experience with a film as it goes along. Pure silence however, leaves the viewer with nothing but a swirling pot of emotion. Each respective viewer may be experiencing the film in a different way, and silence usually indicates that the situation has just become serious!

 All in all there are several reasons for and against the proper use of audio in film, but if it is done right it can leave the best possible impression on its listeners, and make the movie more memorable.

But, maybe thats just me.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

dat comment doe

Well Im excited for the week ahead! On Wednesday I have my road test so Im a mixture of nervous and excited. But thats not going to stop me from enjoying the freedom that comes with a licences.

I have also started to devote a little more time to Destiny on the xbox 360, and I am starting to enjoy it more. Though its frustrating when I catch up to the level of the missions Im doing. 1 level higher or lower than my own means the difference between life and death.

Anyhow, I am really enjoying Photoshop still. There is so much to do i feel like I could never get out of my chair. And then the bell interrupts my thought process. This past week I learned how to fix a large obstruction in an image too! So Ill be able to use more of my older pictures.

The only thing im looking forward to now is the 15th and 16th. Those are the days that I'm scheduled to go to MEPS. Military. Entrance. Processing. Station. So as of those dates I will be a Poolee In the United States Marine corps. Anyhow I hope this week is as amazing as the last! have this beautiful link to enjoy! (In the spirit of immersive tech)

Virtual reality! ~woo

Its hard to think that mere decades ago the next big thing was Atari, or the Nintendo 64. Fortunately for the newest of generations I cant even imagine what this technology will develop into in the next 20 or so years. Needless to say I am excited.

From what I read this new immersive technology is still working out the kinks. The author constantly refers to Us as newcomers in this field. Essentially the most lacking area if this tech is apparently the motion tracking. Which only makes sense, The Wii, Xbox, and Playstation all had at the very least a sensor bar. These bars would project lasers out into the room which when broken would effectively signal to the consol that movement had occurred. Kind of like a spy movie. But Tracking head movement without a sensor bar is much more difficult.

How does the Oculus Rift work?
Picture a set of ski goggles in which a large cellphone screen replaces the glass. The screen displays two images side by side, one for each eye. A set of lenses is placed on top of the screen, focusing and reshaping the picture for each eye, and creating a stereoscopic 3D image. The goggles have embedded sensors that monitor the wearer's head motions and adjust the image accordingly. The latest version of the Oculus Rift is bolstered by an external positional-tracking accessory, which helps track head movements more accurately. The result is the sensation that you are looking around a 3D world.                                               Source
 All of this is amazing. Being able to literally insert oneself into a game or movie sounds awesome, but I can't help but to feel that there must be some downside to this. After some searching around I discovered several health concerns that come with this level of immersion.
 The most minor of the health concerns for the Oculus rift are, motion sickness and neck stiffness. Major side effects can be Loss of sight, heart attack/ panic attack, and there were several instances where someone injured themselves reacting to something that wasn't there.
So these are just a few of the complaints I found summed up. Honestly I think the reward in this instance out weighs the risk. 
With tech as cool as this starting to find its legs I can't wait to be able to safely plug me head into a game and play full body! but maybe thats just me...

Over thinking the action?

No matter what anybody says, everyone loves a good action scene. Though what Samandniko said was mostly true, in the sense that story development is what really drives action scenes. However I believe that it is not as critical as Samandniko leads us to believe.

I think that most people tend to project themselves onto the characters we see in movies. Think about it, whats the first thing you do when a character goes for a daring dive into water from which they may not return? Let me guess, hold your breath? While connecting an audience to a character is important you don't want to disconnect the audience from the immersion of the film.
  A character that has a family goes off to fight an unwinnable battle. The family is sad, and for some reason so are you. Thats because you are projecting yourself into their position. They have a family they care about, so do you. But if there is to much backstory like little hidden meanings behind every scene or action, the character becomes harder to relate to.

 For instance, character has a family. Ok, good me too. That family is an alien species raised on some distant planet. Starting to loose me but at least there is a family. That family must annually sacrifice one of its own to appease a space god. Now im gone.

  While it is important to make a character stand out with an amazing story, there should still be some remnant that the audience can hold onto. Feelings for a character in peril is one thing, but feeling as if you yourself were in that position can make for a way more interesting experience.

I would rather see myself run off walls and do cool martial arts than someone else, but maybe thats just me.