Sunday, May 17, 2015


Testing is approaching at blinding speed and im not to confident for trig, regardless I will hold my head high and attempt to fail with grace! I really enjoyed this week though, with my private tutoring sessions for the SAT in June and parades coming up on the 23+24th (which I will be in) I have had a pretty decent week. I only wished the end of the year would stop creeping up on me so fast! Im starting to wish we had learned some premier skills earlier in the year, it certainly would have helped. But I digress, here is my link for the week enjoy! (to be honest I only partially watched it) I hope there is something to take away from it....

1 comment:

  1. Do not attempt to fail, attempt to pass, and if u fail hold your head high.
    I tried to watch that portfolio video, the music was way too loud! What parades are you going to be in by the way?
