Sunday, May 31, 2015

Class evaluation

1. Why did you take this class?

Ever since I could hold a pencil I have been creating characters and stories. I love bringing life to a character by giving them relatable and lifelike traits. Though I could make a character sound lifelike I really wanted to take that extra step to bring even more life to my art. And honestly if I can make a career out of that I could die happy.

2. In general, what did you like most about this class?

I enjoyed the fact that it never really felt like a class. Yes, I learned a lot but I enjoyed what I was doing (most of the time) so much that it hardly felt like work. I loved that it never felt like an actual part of school.

3. In general, what did you like least about this class?

Even with the ability to work at home I constantly felt constrained for time. The blogs were of course tedious but that is of less concern. I disliked the 3d portion the most simply because if you wanted to be proficient at all in the class projects you would have to study the program yourself outside of class, due to the fact that what is taught seems like it lacks anything other than a foundation for the basic fundamentals of  Maya.

4. What was your most favorite project and why?

I really loved the presentation project because it gave me the ability to really share my passions and inspirations with everyone. But as far as the animation portion goes, my favorite was the final project. That was the first project I was really content with this year and I never felt overburdened or constricted despite the provided script.

5. What was your least favorite project and why?

My least favorite project was definitely the 3d short. As previously mentioned I never really had a good grasp on Maya's capabilities. The work we did in Maya seemed very mechanical and the projects made to help us understand it were less informative than one would think. It almost seems as if 3d and 2d animation should be two separate coarses rather than one.

6. Discuss the overall effectiveness of the instructor (for example: preparation, availability, interest, content knowledge, expectations, etc.).

Helpful when needed, out of the way when not. Irrefutably the absolute ruler of the room with an occasional comical understanding. Basically a common house cat.

7. What are the most valuable things you learned in the class?

Organizational skills, as well as college and career readiness.

8. Do you feel that this class will help you achieve your future academic or career goals? How or why (or why not)?

Yes, It gave me an edge over the other students and possible employees of whatever college or employment facility I will ever apply to in the future.

9. How could this class be improved?

Establish a more concrete method for time efficiency while working, and prevent excessive talking.

10. Additional comments:

This class taught me a lot about myself, and those that I worked with over this year. I think the best things I will walk away understanding are:
1. I'm not always going to be the best or the top, and thats ok.

2.I should never be embarrassed of something I put hard work and effort into regardless of how I feel about it.

3. Criticisms are not ment to be hostile, rather constructive in nature.

4. A little extra effort can go a long way.

4 (a). ~Insert final speech from "The Breakfast Club" here~

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