Sunday, May 3, 2015

Being cynical?

I felt this article was a little harsh from the perspective of an artist and an animator.The author constantly goes over the various form of media containing forgettable animations and poor quality
animations, but this must be a conclusion that he came to on a small scale if not for his own opinion. As an example the article mentions "Formulaic, repetitive shows ruled, and although they retain a degree of cult status, they are not exactly considered true classics." This seems like an unfair judgement due to the fact that something forgettable to him may be a very influential force in someone elses life. One of the classics, is just a status given by the majority of society to a movie or short with heavy influence on its audience. In the end Something may only be as disposable or a "bad" as its beholder determines it to be. It has been said Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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