Sunday, November 22, 2015

Comment (also 100th post!)

This week and the next was and shall be the busiest I have been in a while. Between work school and Marine corps shenanigans I have had no time to relax. I am happy that I managed to keep up with the demo's this week though, I am looking forward to Christmas break at this point. I just want to sleep in... This kinetic type project is going to frustrate the crap out of me I can already tell. So all I can do is focus on one thing at a time and make sure it gets done on time.

kinetic type (has a lil' bit of cussing)


  1. I like the zombie land kinetic type, its pretty cool how they used 3d to move the text, as well as incorporating cool graphics into the mix.

  2. Congrats on the 100th post Gage, we are all so proud.
