Thursday, December 3, 2015

Good Transitions

         Transitions are something a viewer might not even give a second thought to, but the editor can spend what feels like an eternity on just two shots. In the provided videos the critic mentions that a lot of the transitions and shots end up being un-intentional. It was mentioned that its better to get way more footage than you need just for the sake of a seamless transition. In other words it seems like a lot of the transitions are happy accidents.

 Though it may seem a bit redundant, I agree with the "happy accident" concept. In the short time I have been gathering footage I noticed that a lot of the shots I gathered intentionally don't or barely make the cut... literally.

 If anything this helped me to realize the importance of gathering the extra footage. As the old saying goes, Its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

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