Thursday, December 3, 2015


As the week trucks forward things continue to be at a standstill. Im starting to get impatient with myself because after 6 months of minimum wage b***s*!* I finally managed to get close enough to my financial goal to build my own computer. My first two parts arrived on Tuesday,a GeForce GTX970 graphics card and an intel i7 6 core processor. Needless to say im excited to buy the rest of the parts. Im all caught up on my video projects this year to my surprise, most of these tutorials are easy enough to breeze through in 30-40 min. Though I am a bit frustrated with my layering in After Effects, I did learn to mind placement in 3d space next time. Im looking forward to some work time to work on the documentary with President Nathan.

To wrap things up I thought I'd start by stating the obvious, almost all of us like video games. However would you like them as much if you had to experience them irl?

Gaming irl

1 comment:

  1. You're building your own computer ?!
    Dude that's so awesome :O I wish I could do that haha
    Also, good luck on your documentary video !
