Sunday, April 12, 2015


 Neurocinema woo, this weeks provided article once again delves into the neurological levels of the common viewers movie experience. But, from what I have learned over the past year all this article seemed to do for me was put a name to a face, with some colorful South Park-esk animations and zapping sounds. But I digress, 
 Although it seemed a bit confusing and tedious the little voice in the video assured me that it was all a part of the experience. So broken down essentially science has come far enough to monitor how people feel or what parts of their brain are active during a film. This allows filmmakers to find what people, designated as 'The common viewer", find to be the most engaging parts of a film and add it to more films in the future. The video provided was even bold enough to predict that movies will react and possibly change in an interactive manner to how a person persieves something in the film. Which may seem cool to some, but as an avid horror genre fan I don't think that i would want to experience Paranormal activity on a neurological level, mostly because it bugs my mother when I insist on leaving the "hall light" on.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little skeptical on the term. I doubt "neurocinema" will be catching on any time.
