Sunday, April 12, 2015

Break dancing on thin ice

I believe this title is accurate to the provided article due the fact that the Freelance life style is a very selective. The person in the article got lucky and was able to find work frequently enough to support at least himself: but the freelance type of work, as independent as it may allow someone to be, can be very unforgiving to some. Not having a secure job/career can be very dangerous especially to a young animator out of college still paying off dept.
 Regardless this man in the article is very satisfied with how his life worked out, he was able to experience everything he wanted and more. His largest point that he tried to push was his beliefs on the difference between a job and a career. While he may make some good points, "Each job is not an end in and of itself: it’s a piece of something bigger: something called a career. " I still believe i would feel very uncomfortable without a -secured- job and a steady income. In the end if you enjoy what you do who cares how you go about doing it. Its all up to you, my mother always said " you can even be a garbageman if thats what you want to do, but if you do be the best damn garbageman you can be.".

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