Sunday, April 19, 2015

Good god Adobe what have you done?

If you think the current animation process is buggy and ineffective, wait 'till you see this. Adobe attempted a leap forward in the animation field with facial interactive animating, but instead of landing on both feet successfully "Adobe character Animator" is about to eat pavement...
 This is an interesting concept but, similarly to EA, Adobe might have jumped the gun on this one. I do agree that this advancement is exciting but for it to have potential it needs waaay more fine tuning. Just ask our friendly neighborhood motion tracking experts over at Xbox connect. Even after talking all kinds of crap I look forward to this technology being used in workplaces, even though I'm a bit concerned it might take the passion out of animating...


  1. while i can see where you're coming form, i think it could be a good change for inexperienced animators.

  2. I'm excited for the future of it, instead of what it is right now.
