Sunday, November 2, 2014

The psychology of scary movies

  This article and video both cover the hows and whys of horror movies and stories. From young teenagers associating with the killer, to older crowds enjoying the right people get what they deserve every ounce of info is covered. Though there is more than one answer for the real question being asked perpetually throughout the video.

  What is the allure of fear for people? Fear can mean many things to many people but the article states that most of our fear even from an early age is associated with animals. Another prominent reason is survival instinct. The different trends in horror come with real life based events, for example the walking dead and the mention of zombies is relevant to our current fears regarding social media.

  This article is really informative and has a lot of information that i think everybody can agree with on some level. However I did learn a little bit about the psychology of why i like the movies and games i do, for instance, the notion that people watch and play violent games and movies is to release emotions, was very informative. This has extreme relevance in digital media for nothing more than aiding the creator of the content in understanding his viewers.

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