Sunday, October 5, 2014

Following the patterns in movie making

  From the set of Iron Man 2 movie makers and directors share just how they do what they do when an audience is looking at the screen. Little details such as cgi and animation is used on the parts of the screen that the average person is not looking at, the cool part is that your brain automatically makes the connection. Similar to the way we are currently learning how to animate, your brain behaves the same way having its attention brought to exactly what the artist or director wants you to look at. Lots of time ans studying are involved in the physics of objects in order to make them seem more realistic. to rap this up in a quote from the director of iron man 2 “Everything you’re looking at is real, and everything you’re not looking at is fake,”.

 I can't wait to apply these tactics to my own work in order to keep the viewer focused on what I want them to see.

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