Sunday, September 27, 2015

Evolution of an artist

     Evolution of an artist was an excellent time waster. Although I do mean that in the nicest possible way. I could spend days sitting and laughing at the old cartoons. I remember watching some of those characters develop, but I never gave it much thought as to how.

     The video mentioned several aspects of character development that all artists either metaphorically, hit a wall or fly with. It is relatively easy  to make a character, the hard part is giving it character, or as some prefer "life".

  I love that one of the more driven points in the video was the difference between human expectation and reality. That paradime will always preserve the hilarity of the classics simply because you never know for sure whats going to happen. spontaneous but predictable, the perfect balance to keep an audience hooked and coming back for more. the same characters they love in an unpredictable situation.

  I think the best thing to take away from this though is how the characters grow over time. In actuality they grow with the artist but even with some of the characters I have personally designed I have noticed some personality. For instance I could give a lot more life to a character I designed 8 years ago than one I did in class last year.

  Things take time, you have to learn and grow before your character ever can. But maybe thats just me.

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