Monday, January 12, 2015

Perspective in perspective

  This topic has been lightly touched apon before in previous articles I have been, against my will, forced to review, and the takeaway remains more or less the same. Put extremely bluntly... Same $*!t different day. Regardless that doesn't make it any less important. Perspective is one of the greatest tools used by both masters and amateurs and when used correctly can receive the same response. As an animator or even an artist it is nice to think of myself somewhat as a magician. I trick the audience into thinking what I want them to while the real trick is all behind the scenes. Pronouncing a characters presence with power or might, a simple low wide angle lens.
   As I stated previously this is a very important tool that can be used in many ways and I have applied it to many aspects of my own work, it should not be taken lightly and should be used prominently.

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