Monday, January 12, 2015

Dat weekly comment doe

  Holy crap another week and I haven't put my fist through my monitor yet...just kidding I love it to much for that, but regardless as promised with the arrival of 3d his lesser known and hated by all sibling "crap load of work" is faithfully at his side. I never expected it to be easy but damn is it un-cooperative when i need it to be. Well, the good part about this week is that I will finally be able to drop my problem class without repercussion, ~yay. Although my sleeping schedule is severely jacked up. Im glad that we have started learning 3d but I will miss 2d very much so. Now all of my passion is focused on the final project, I already have a few ideas for it and I refuse to disappoint.
 Welp to wrap things up here be my link of interest--> As of late I caught up to an anime called Tokyo ghoul which in my opinion is the best anime so far in 2015. It is notoriously gruesome and should not be looked  at lightly, especially if you don't like blood, but that is my exact reason for watching it. I like to pick out how the blood is animated, though most of it is censored I still have learned a lot. If you have a strong gut and don't mind blood and broken bones, then this is a tremendous anime, I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. This doesn't have enough America in it. Вы должны стыдно!
