Sunday, November 23, 2014

Weekly Comment

  This week I learned how to record and partially edit audio for use in my animations. Which was fun and aggravating at the same time. Although I'm pretty content with what I have learned so far I still feel a bit overwhelmed by the Toon boom interface and want to be able to navigate it better.
I was very frustrated this week by my 101 fever on Friday... so that was a bundle of fun. Though it didn't ruin the whole week I still got to experience Pat's amazing voice skills especially when it comes to producing short shrill sounds.

Facial expressions can prove to be very important and can help to convey what a character is thinking or feeling. This link seemed to help me with some concepts I ended up using in my 2d short.

Holy Foley!

  While I personally find the host a tad creepy and insufferable, he is at the same time very informative. This article covers the use of a type of what can be referred to as sound effects during a film. Foley is one of three categories of sound. Ambiance, and library effects being the other two. This video goes over the history of foley and even provides some examples of its use in some old films. The host even uses his own studio and some friends to produce his own short comprised of a silent video and usage of foley. but, I found that short very irritating and at one point even found myself removing my headphones to alleviate my poor ear canals.

 Regardless use of foley and other various sound effects can prove very useful and can help to spice up some rather otherwise dull scenes. This information will prove to be relevant in its use in future projects, but I would recommend not having the viewer itching to leave because of overuse of sound.

Reference material and believable character movement

  This article covers the necessity of reference material and how it applies to each persons unique art style. Animator Shawn Kelly talks about different reference materials such as comic books, movies, and pictures. Though Shawn makes it clear that he favors photography, he also lets the reader know that each reference type has its own benefits. For example comic books can give a more dynamic perspective of characters, and live action can help you to understand the movement better as a whole.

 This article helped me to understand reference material a bit better. What they should be used for and how. As far as the writers opinions I agree with all of them but one, I personally like comic art style references better than still images. This article will really help me on the 2d short project in that it will allow me to know what type of reference to use when.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Weekly comment

  This week I learned that apparently there is a holy right of passage available from the teacher known as the boces all day pass. I'm looking forward to this long project and learning the puppets. This week i was frustrated with my abrupt ending on the 11 sec club. I was happy this week for Halloween.

Storyboard pro ,as long as we are on the topic.

Story of the board variety

  This article simply gives tips and sums up the basics as well as some complex tactics involved in the story boarding aspect of animating or film making. Multiple ways of using space and emphasizing importance of height and dialog are also mentioned.

 This article will prove helpful in creating my own storyboard for the long project. i learned how to better use the space provided, and its relevance to the field of digital media should be obvious in the aspect of preparing for an animation.

The psychology of scary movies

  This article and video both cover the hows and whys of horror movies and stories. From young teenagers associating with the killer, to older crowds enjoying the right people get what they deserve every ounce of info is covered. Though there is more than one answer for the real question being asked perpetually throughout the video.

  What is the allure of fear for people? Fear can mean many things to many people but the article states that most of our fear even from an early age is associated with animals. Another prominent reason is survival instinct. The different trends in horror come with real life based events, for example the walking dead and the mention of zombies is relevant to our current fears regarding social media.

  This article is really informative and has a lot of information that i think everybody can agree with on some level. However I did learn a little bit about the psychology of why i like the movies and games i do, for instance, the notion that people watch and play violent games and movies is to release emotions, was very informative. This has extreme relevance in digital media for nothing more than aiding the creator of the content in understanding his viewers.