Sunday, February 7, 2016

Modern Creativity

 In modern time creativity is defined by how much attention someone or something gets, if at first you don't succeed quit. As the provided article says everyone is so focused on getting things done quickly that they don't take the time to really take in the intensity and consequence of what they are doing. That, however, is just putting it poetically. Realistically people see something and want to replicate it. Its all about fast fame, the honest truth is nobody got good at something overnight.
I really love the approach to this issue that the article takes, hard work and all that, but at the same time people can still find their own way to contradict the message. For instance, I personally feel somewhat empowered after reading that article but im not going to go off and start practicing my interests. For instance im interested in computer programming, the interest isn't out of any intended use career wise, just recreational. For a couple of days I practiced and learned some things. I can make a calculator. But I stopped because I hit a wall, humans are creatures of habit. We may feel reassured or happy when we get support but we crave more, faster. Enough is never enough.

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