Friday, February 26, 2016

After college

This article follows the recommendations of Jon Williams, a visual effects and environmental artist for EA. He brings up something that might change how you imagine your future, in terms of 3d anyhow. Software changes, you mighty learn how to operate in Maya but have to use some other software for the project they were hired to work on. Working outside of your comfort zone will have to become second nature, at least the skills and Artistic process remain the same across any platform or media. Though you never really are "done" with art. You never truly stop growing as an artist, the best way to harness you skills as recommended by Jon is to draw from life... every day. It should go without saying that the more you do something the better you'll be at it, at least in most cases, and art takes real time and dedication. The first few months or even years following college may be scary in terms of a job, but stay confident in your abilities and your dreams.

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