Friday, February 26, 2016


An okay week I suppose, I learned that computers take a lot longer to build then I would have normally thought. That being said im very excited to use my new supercomputer this weekend, but I think I might get impatient during the initial boot. The 3 Tb drive I installed was being an asshole and didn't want to work with windows, BUT I will make it work. The only real downside to this past week was the awful weather But C'est la vie...

good music to animate to. :P

After college

This article follows the recommendations of Jon Williams, a visual effects and environmental artist for EA. He brings up something that might change how you imagine your future, in terms of 3d anyhow. Software changes, you mighty learn how to operate in Maya but have to use some other software for the project they were hired to work on. Working outside of your comfort zone will have to become second nature, at least the skills and Artistic process remain the same across any platform or media. Though you never really are "done" with art. You never truly stop growing as an artist, the best way to harness you skills as recommended by Jon is to draw from life... every day. It should go without saying that the more you do something the better you'll be at it, at least in most cases, and art takes real time and dedication. The first few months or even years following college may be scary in terms of a job, but stay confident in your abilities and your dreams.

Lateral screen movement

I was just a bit surprised to find out hat this article had to offer, I had noticed this effect of abnormality in character movements pertaining to the right side of the screen; but not to the same degree. I like the concept of right = abnormality and left = time/ progress (natural). This has a massive variety of uses in film or animation. Its an easy way to more subtly convey conflict or protagonist/ antagonist characters.

Sunday, February 7, 2016


I love after effects alot but greatly dislike actually getting footage. most likely because im a bad cameraman. The biggest problem I run into is due to a hereditary tremor in my hands. But anyhow I really like my classes for the last half of the year, hopefully all goes well for the next few months. Im honestly just trying to have fun with it while I can. I disliked the fictional short prep... I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. I handed something in but ill probably revise it completely. On the opposite end of that spectrum having Geoff be chased by a UFO was fun. Hopefully this week is a bit better.

Sitting.... alot

I feel like we have received a handout on this several times now? either way once again it is important to focus on posture since we arent all the most active. I frequently lean waaaay back in my chair and cross my legs. Its easy to say "ill stand every thirty minuets" or something of the like, but in practice its a different ball game. The biggest inhibitor for me is simply the work. I get so focused on the task that Im more worried about running out of time than I am of having a heart attack. Regardless this is all relative and important so...yeah.. do it.

Modern Creativity

 In modern time creativity is defined by how much attention someone or something gets, if at first you don't succeed quit. As the provided article says everyone is so focused on getting things done quickly that they don't take the time to really take in the intensity and consequence of what they are doing. That, however, is just putting it poetically. Realistically people see something and want to replicate it. Its all about fast fame, the honest truth is nobody got good at something overnight.
I really love the approach to this issue that the article takes, hard work and all that, but at the same time people can still find their own way to contradict the message. For instance, I personally feel somewhat empowered after reading that article but im not going to go off and start practicing my interests. For instance im interested in computer programming, the interest isn't out of any intended use career wise, just recreational. For a couple of days I practiced and learned some things. I can make a calculator. But I stopped because I hit a wall, humans are creatures of habit. We may feel reassured or happy when we get support but we crave more, faster. Enough is never enough.