Sunday, May 15, 2016

The subtlety involved in editing..

I really enjoyed this video simply because it pointed out something I haven't given much thought to. Feeling a cut rather than mechanically looking for an identifiable common factor. Every cut I have ever made has been on instinct, which can sometimes even be the difference of a single frame. Just thinking this is a skill that I have been developing without noticing is intriguing indeed.

In the video there is one common factor (like the ones I mentioned before) that each scene contains. Emotion, weather we realize it or not every frame of every film, animation, etc, contains some form of emotion. Developing an instinct on how long to convey this emotion is the difficult part. As mentioned in the video four seconds can drastically change the emotion conveyed in a shot. Each shot shouldn't be primarily focused on implying emotion, it should force an emotion onto your audience. Make your audience resonate with the character. Let them know how or what they are feeling. Having that instinct to convey emotion was described as something that requires practice. Years, and years, to perfect. It was even compared to teaching dance, you can show someone the technical basics, but the follow through and technique must be developed through practice. And now having noticed this I completely agree, but maybe thats just me.

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