Sunday, April 10, 2016

Shots and rhythm

Holy crap a video? instead of a huge list of does and don'ts?! It really has been a while... Regardless the information was much better received via this platform, because if it gets boring i skip ahead. Though I was careful to pay attention to what seemed to be important which was in this case, the ability to make the audience feel like they are a part of the conversation. The most highly recommended shot was a wide angle single shot, It makes the audience feel as if they were taking part in the conversation. The other shot frequently mentioned was a distanced shot of the character speaking, this makes the audience feel as if they are spying on the characters; which can add tension to any scene.

1 comment:

  1. It's easy to stick around when you're watching Every Frame a Painting. Tony writes some pretty enthralling stuff. If you like filmmaking, you should check out his other videos!
