Sunday, February 8, 2015

Weekly comment

  This week was crazy for me, between changing my scheduled at school around and the damn chicken I have been exhausted. I am a little bit more confident in maya though and hope to do better on the 3d short. I loved learning about editing and found it to be surprisingly entertaining. I'm a bit stressed though because this coming week I will be having extensive interaction with the military to explore my options. After all thats happened this week I find I'm really looking forward to editing next year! tedious as it may be, it is equally entertaining. Lately I have been doing a lot more physical activity as far as exercise goes so heres my link for the week, enjoy! Don't be lazy its easy!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

5 friends + camera and editing techniques = 1000's of people?

  1 man versus 100 men seems a bit unfair for several obvious reasons, but at least with todays technology we can make it seem as if the odds are a little bit more fair.

  This article goes over the possible use of software and programs such as After Effects, and various other editing programs. Though it may seem tedious it can be surprisingly easy to duplicate one person several times to trick the audience. The article recommends having your friends stand in multiple places wearing different clothes, after that all that you need to do is copy the footage into the scene and make sure they don't overlap. With those easy steps you suddenly have A MIGHTY ARMY! or zombie invasion.. sometimes there will be a problem with the audience recognizing the trick you are attempting to do. Don't have your extras stand in the same spot in different rooms, also having people cross closely in front of or behind the character will provide the illusion of a crowded area. Use of Long lenses and close ups also give the illusion that there are more people than there really are.
 Now you can save money and not break your budget with extras! yay!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Inspiration, Innovation and Location, Location, Location.

This weeks article provided by jack was a very interesting one, I love seeing the behind the scenes action when it comes to production and animation. A lot of work goes into (almost) everything we see on t.v and the internet, I love watching different peoples processes and applying it to my own work.
This article featured two behind the scenes looks at one of the famous super bowl commercials regarding the good old fashioned rabbit, hare, and car? Using multiple programs in coordination with live action shots the talented Robert Stromberg created this ad for Mercedes Benz. The first thing I realized when I watched the videos was how much prep work went into the animated characters. Going through tedious phases of sketch, paint, color, texture, photoshop, maya, etc. There was a hinted time period of several months alone in planning and development of the characters, not to mention that every step of the way each superior would have to "ok" the work.

 If I take anything away from this article its that I should start developing characters of my own in preparation for when I might need them. Saving myself the trouble of being un-prepared and unskilled at drawing and replicating my own ideas.