Sunday, December 14, 2014


 This article proved to be very interesting in that it covers the differences and the practicality of SFX vs VFX. A couple of videos are provided to entertain the reader with the real bare bones differences, the subject provided was a werewolf  transformation. And while the CGI version proved as intended entertaining, the practical version was a cringe fest. I almost dislocated my shoulders in a manner that only cats would understand. The cgi transformation was smooth and only lasted a short while compared to its practical counterpart. where as the practical version seemed to last unnecessarily long with what I felt like were bad angles and poor effects. But I digress, both of these ways of doing things can work just as well hand and hand rather then the enemies they are made out to be. For example in the movie "Alien Revival" There was a combination of cgi and puppets used, and most people couldn't even tell the difference.
 Based on what I just experienced if I had to pick a favorite it would probably be cgi just for the reason that it spares my insular cortex...

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