Sunday, June 5, 2016


1. Why did you take this class?

This class represented a lot to me. I wanted to take it for several obvious reasons ( See creations come to life, explore career options, my interest in gaming ) ,though what seemed like the most alluring part was both the restrictiveness and the familiarity of the class. It was very apparent that the class would be demanding and would require immense effort, time, and focus and I have never been known to back down from a challenge. Combine that with the fact the about 13 other students would share my passion and it was clear that I had to be in that class.

2. In general, what did you like most about this class?

That moment when I finish something that I had worked on for several days and can be satisfied with it. Just having the sheer ability to do some of the rudimentary tasks in the class bring me massive amounts of joy.

3. In general, what did you like least about this class?

I suppose I wish that I had more time to plan for each project. Generally we would receive our next project toward the end of the previous, I would always come up with some grandiose idea that would ultimately be to difficult or would take to long to produce. With everything being so time sensitive I wish that I had a better method to my pre-production. I realize that this is to no fault of the class, just that happened to be a frequent issue for myself.

4. What was your most favorite project and why?

Putting all of 2d aside, I would have to say the editing tutorials were my favorite. They gave me a task with no specifications on how to get there. An objective without restriction, being able to have fun in After Effects and Premiere with funny concepts was a blast!

5. What was your least favorite project and why?

Between both years? The 3D finale, I was no where near comfortable enough in Maya to do something like that.. In the video year? Probably the contests (eat healthy, star wars, etc) I felt so restricted in the content that it was difficult to produce anything I was personally happy with.

6. Discuss the overall effectiveness of the instructor (for example: preparation, availability, interest, content knowledge, expectations, etc.).

Mrs. Licata was/is the greatest teacher I have ever had. She knew the answer to any possible question I had, Managed to always be friendly and professional, and made the classroom feel like a second home. I really appreciate all that she does and wish her well after this year is up.

7. What are the most valuable things you learned in the class?

Time management, career opportunities, and animation in general.

8. Do you feel that this class will help you achieve your future academic or career goals? How or why (or why not)?

Yes, aside from helping my academic time management and organization, my background in the class will help when I eventually get a degree in game design.

9. How could this class be improved?

Give kids more time in the class or make animation a two year coarse..

10. What would you tell incoming students to help them be more prepared for the class?

Over prepare for everything, always get more footage than you need, develop your own method for your work progression, and take the time to learn more about the programs outside of school...

11. Additional Comments:

10/10 IGN....   Smile! :D /)